Our Corporate Social Responsibility
Taasisi SACCO not only improves the social and economic status of its members, but also contributes to the social well-being of the communities where it operates. The following are some of the key areas that Taasisi Sacco focuses towards improving the community’s well-being.
Taasisi SACCO identifies bright and needy students for sponsorship by the Co-operative Bank of Kenya.
Corporate governance deals with the issues of governing the behavior of the Board of Directors and Secretariat; to check whether they are truly running the Sacco society in a way that maximizes the members’ shares, deposits and investments.
Cross Cutting Issues
Taasisi SACCO Society also addresses the risks posed by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. HIV/AIDS will therefore be mainstreamed in all Taasisi SACCO programmes as well as advocating for effective policies and practices for combating the pandemic.
Gender Issues
Taasisi SACCO addresses issues pertaining to gender balance in respect to the recruitment of members, delegates, Board members and staff. Taasisi SACCO will advocate for effective policies and practices that ensure gender sensitivity and balance.
Youth Issues
Youth comprise the majority of the population. To this end, Taasisi SACCO addresses issues pertaining to youth member recruitment and employment. Additionally, design products and services for the youth. Taasisi SACCO advocates for effective policies and practices that ensure the integration of youth in the SACCO’s programmes.